Ten Facts You May Not Know About The Great Lakes
Published by Nanni on Wednesday, May 23, 2012
One of the most popular vacation destinations in the interior United States is the Great Lakes area. Actually, as the Great Lakes are made up of Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Ontario, Lake Huron, and Lake Erie, it is technically five of the most popular vacation destinations in the United States. Besides being the great places to go on vacation to, the lakes are also a well used resource for both business and pleasure by the local people in the area. From shipping to recreation, the Great Lakes are some of the most used bodies of water in the world.
While the Great Lakes are surrounded by some of the most populated regions in North America, they are also somewhat overlooked as a vacation destination. From recreational pursuits like boating and fishing to historical to more urban pursuits like those found in Chicago which sits on the shores of Lake Michigan, the Great Lakes are packed full of the kinds of things to do that will entertain and occupy almost every traveler to the area. A great deal is known about these beautiful and massive natural resources, but here are ten things you may not know about the Great Lakes.
1. In late 1913, an incredible storm hit Lake Huron and ended up driving more than twenty ships ashore, causing ten ships to sink, and causing the death of more than 220 seamen.
2. Lake Manitou sits on Manitoulin Island which resides in Lake Huron; nowhere in the world is there a larger lake that sits within a lake.
3. The deepest of the Great Lakes is Lake Superior which has been measured in places to be more than 1,300 feet deep.
4. Lake Michigan is the only body of water that is part of the Great Lakes and also sits completely within the borders of the United States.
5. Of all of the lakes making up the Great Lakes, the lowest is Lake Ontario which sits several hundred feet below all four of the other lakes.
6. Since Lake Michigan and Lake Huron are separated by straits and not a river, and both have the same surface level, many scientists consider them to be one lake and not two individual bodies of water.
7. Though most would not think so, there are more than 35,000 islands located in the five Great Lakes.
8. There are more than 200 rivers that drain into Lake Superior.
9. Lake Michigan is slightly larger than the entire country of Croatia.
10. With an average depth of just 62 feet, Lake Erie is the shallowest of all the Great Lakes; Lake Superior is the deepest with an average depth of 483 feet.
The Great Lakes play an important role in the life of everyone who lives nearby. Besides being important to the shipping industry as well as being a major tourist attraction, few things encouraged more growth in and around the Great Lakes region than the lakes themselves as well as the waterway they partially provide which goes all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. Few people who have visited the Great Lakes can deny their massive beauty or the benefits they provide to the area. The Great Lakes truly offer something for everyone, whether they live near them or not.
While the Great Lakes are surrounded by some of the most populated regions in North America, they are also somewhat overlooked as a vacation destination. From recreational pursuits like boating and fishing to historical to more urban pursuits like those found in Chicago which sits on the shores of Lake Michigan, the Great Lakes are packed full of the kinds of things to do that will entertain and occupy almost every traveler to the area. A great deal is known about these beautiful and massive natural resources, but here are ten things you may not know about the Great Lakes.
1. In late 1913, an incredible storm hit Lake Huron and ended up driving more than twenty ships ashore, causing ten ships to sink, and causing the death of more than 220 seamen.
2. Lake Manitou sits on Manitoulin Island which resides in Lake Huron; nowhere in the world is there a larger lake that sits within a lake.
3. The deepest of the Great Lakes is Lake Superior which has been measured in places to be more than 1,300 feet deep.
4. Lake Michigan is the only body of water that is part of the Great Lakes and also sits completely within the borders of the United States.
5. Of all of the lakes making up the Great Lakes, the lowest is Lake Ontario which sits several hundred feet below all four of the other lakes.
6. Since Lake Michigan and Lake Huron are separated by straits and not a river, and both have the same surface level, many scientists consider them to be one lake and not two individual bodies of water.
7. Though most would not think so, there are more than 35,000 islands located in the five Great Lakes.
8. There are more than 200 rivers that drain into Lake Superior.
9. Lake Michigan is slightly larger than the entire country of Croatia.
10. With an average depth of just 62 feet, Lake Erie is the shallowest of all the Great Lakes; Lake Superior is the deepest with an average depth of 483 feet.
The Great Lakes play an important role in the life of everyone who lives nearby. Besides being important to the shipping industry as well as being a major tourist attraction, few things encouraged more growth in and around the Great Lakes region than the lakes themselves as well as the waterway they partially provide which goes all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. Few people who have visited the Great Lakes can deny their massive beauty or the benefits they provide to the area. The Great Lakes truly offer something for everyone, whether they live near them or not.
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