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Health Benefits of a Cold Shower

Published by Nanni on Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Photo credit by juhansonin

Nobody can deny that a cold shower is stimulating. It may be shocking, and at times uncomfortable, but a good cold shower may have more to offer you than a swift wake-up call. Cold showers stimulate blood circulation, help the body rid itself of toxins, and can even promote energy and a sense of well-being.

The reason for this is the shocking effect a cold shower has on the system. It sets the heart pumping, pushing oxygen and blood throughout the body at a higher rate. It contracts the muscles, which then take in fresh blood and release toxins. It stimulates circulation to all areas of the body. It also prompts a release of chemicals from your brain, waking you up. Once you are out of the shower, the increased circulation of oxygen in your body should give you a sense of calm and well-being. Cold showers may help people with anxiety issues or who suffer panic attacks, although very little research has been done in this area so far.

As the change in temperature is the most important aspect of a cold shower, ensure that you shower in a warm room. For best effects, vigorously rub your body all over while you shower (you'll be inclined to do this instinctively anyway). Stay under the water for at least five minutes, or sometimes ten, and luxuriate in a nice warm towelling off to get dry.

This may not be the most pleasant of health treatments, but it is certainly the cheapest. If taken regularly, cold showers can increase your general health as well as help you feel energetic in the short term. Yoga practitioners recommend cold showers to help build immunity to cold and flu.

While the initial shock of the cold shower will make you feel alert and get your heart pumping, it is important to stay under until you begin to feel warm again. Not only will this make it a marginally more pleasant experience, it is a sign that your body is getting the real benefits of the cold shower. When you first jump in, the capillaries open and release a rush of blood, but over time your body adjusts, the capillaries close again, and the blood flushes through the organs.

If you would like to make a cold shower a regular thing but can't face the idea of having only cold showers every morning, a good method is to have your regular shower, then turn it cold for five minutes or so.

You should not try cold showers if you have a heart problem. Cold showers may cause discomfort to women during menstruation. These folks should try a lukewarm shower instead and avoid giving shocks to the body.

There is good news for men who want to pursue the cold shower treatment โ€“ cold showers may actually help if you are a male trying to father a child. This is because a cold shower stimulates the testicles so that they produce more sperm. Of course, if you are not looking to become a father, further precautions should be taken during sex to impede your healthy sperm.

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