Gastric Bypass Dumping Syndrome
Published by Nanni on Monday, September 24, 2012Photo credit by seamlessgem
Gastric bypass dumping syndrome is a condition that often results from gastric bypass surgery. Gastric bypass surgery is a procedure used to shrink the size of the stomach, and is used for weight reduction purposes. Gastric bypass dumping syndrome then is manifested by eating certain foods. Also, eating too much at one sitting can intensify the problem. The condition occurs when easily absorbed particles of food pass too hastily through the digestive tract into the small intestine.
Staying away from sweets and certain starches can minimize the ailment. When dumping syndrome occurs, the sufferer usually feels nauseous with a sense of fullness and experiences subsequent cramping. The heartbeat typically increases, and is accompanied by other symptoms such as fatigue, sweating, diarrhea and vomiting.
Therefore, making dietary alterations with respect to the foods you eat is an important measure in treating the problem. Keeping a record of the foods you consume can also help immensely in reducing the symptoms and preventing the problem from recurring. Avoid foods such sugared cereals, milkshakes, fruit punch, pancakes drenched in syrup, ice cream, cookies, candy, sweetened pickles and honey. Lowering the consumption of dairy products and milk, as well as the avoidance of foods that are too hot or cold also seems to minimize symptoms.
Additionally, making some adjustments in the number of meals you eat in a day and the amount of liquid you consume can go a long way in alleviating the symptoms of dumping syndrome. For example, eat more meals and smaller portions at each meal. Five or six meals per day are recommended. Do not drink any liquids during any of your meals if you want to prevent the onslaught of the illness. Wait about ½ hour after each meal before consuming any beverages too.
If you do experience symptoms, they’ll normally diminish in about an hour’s time. Lying supine often helps with reducing the symptoms associated with dumping syndrome as it slows the emptying of food from the stomach.
If making changes in your diet proves to be futile, then taking a prescription medication may be a feasible alternative. Discuss the situation with your physician to see if this might be an appropriate remedy. Following a stringent diet though can often help prevent the symptoms associated with dumping syndrome.
Making sure that you include a good deal of protein in every meal is a good start to eliminate the problem. As mentioned, the avoidance of simple sugars greatly helps too. Take sips of water between meals, and avoid drinking any beverages during a meal or 30 minutes thereafter. Nonetheless, stay hydrated as dumping syndrome is more pronounced in individuals who do not drink an adequate supply of water. This type of eating and drinking pattern typically regulates and maintains your blood glucose level so you won’t suffer from dumping. Choosing a fruit instead of candy or cookies for dessert greatly helps with lessening symptoms as well. Just stay away from processed carbohydrates, sugary foods and fats and you should be alright.
No two episodes are the same for people who experience dumping syndrome. Some episodes can be milder for some individuals than others. Therefore, make sure that you follow a dietary plan that emphasizes healthy foods and comprises more meals in smaller portions during the day. Keep a diary and note any foods or beverages that cause you discomfort. Stay on top of your diet and train yourself to eat healthier and avoid the dreaded effects of dumping syndrome at the same time.
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