Eco Friendly Gardening Supplies
Published by Nanni on Thursday, August 02, 2012Photo credit by horrigans
Eco friendly gardening supplies make less impact on the environment. From tools to fertilizers, organic gardeners have always tried their best to use environmentally friendly. Choose eco friendly gardening supplies as a thank you to mother nature for the use of her resources. The benefits of using green products extend to gardeners and their families as well. Eco friendly gardening supplies produce superior, chemical free produce.
Compost Bins
Organic gardeners have been using compost as garden fertilizer for many years. They are seeing the benefit of compost bins for the garden. These eco friendly gardening supplies turn kitchen and garden waste into superior gardening soil. This doesn't just benefit the garden. These eco Friendly gardening supplies use a lot of waste products that might otherwise end up in landfills.
Push Mowers
Push mowers use no natural resources other than the materials to produce them. Gardeners considering the purchase of a new mower should keep push mowers in mind. These eco friendly gardening tools have come a long way in the last few decades. They now push just as easily as the gas and electric versions. It takes a little more time to mow with man powered lawn mowers. Think of it as a chance to communicate with mother nature.
Rain Barrels
Rain spouts and rain barrels are not new as eco friendly gardening supplies. People have been saving and collecting rain water since the pioneer days. Great Grandpa used to bathe in them. Organic gardeners use the water for the garden. Some people use rain barrel water to make compost tea. Simply put compost in a mesh bag and dunk repeatedly in the barrel. The result is a nutrient rich eco friendly liquid fertilizer for your plants.
Organic Fertilizers
Compost is the most commonly used eco friendly fertilizer. It's also the cheapest. Those who don't have the time or inclination to make their own compost will find it available wherever eco friendly gardening supplies are sold. There are many other organic fertilizers as well. In fact there is an eco friendly equivalent for every fertilization need. Those who are unfamiliar with usage can read the label or consult a gardening professional.
Organic Pesticides
Chemical fertilizers are not the only gardening supply polluting our ground water. Runoff from chemical fertilizers can have disastrous consequences. Organic pesticides are essential eco friendly gardening supplies. Using them is just as simple as using conventional pesticides. Homemade organic pesticides are less expensive than chemical pesticides. There are also some plants which will repel pests when planted as companions to others.
Hand Tools
Hand tools are eco friendly gardening supplies. These handy helpers run on people power instead of gas or electricity. Using hand tools in the garden keeps gardeners in touch with mother nature as well. Want to leave an even softer environmental footprint? Buy used hand tools, rather than new ones. Reusing eco friendly gardening supplies makes organic gardening that much better. Find used hand tools for gardening at thrift stores and garage sales.
Bee Hives
Bees are great for the garden and make an excellent side hobby for gardeners. These eco friendly creatures keep the garden pollinated. Purchase bee hives on line. They are available at many garden supply stores. Look for other bee-keeping equipment such as special clothing and billows as well. There are plenty of books on beekeeping to complete these Eco friendly gardening supply options.
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