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When Should You Use Payday Loans?

Published by Nanni on Thursday, June 28, 2012

Photo credit by Scurzuzu

Payday loans have become a lot more accessible to people worldwide, and so it is important for them to know when they should use a payday loan. A common rule is that if you absolutely don’t need the money before your next payday, then you should not take out a payday loan. I believe that this rule holds a lot of truth. You are only asking for trouble if you take out a payday loan without having a real strong need for the money before your next payday. In order to determine when you need a payday loan, you should understand what a payday loan is, and I will go over that right now.

A payday loan is a loan that almost anyone can apply for, pending you are over the age of eighteen, and have a steady income of at least $1,000 monthly. If you can meet those two requirements, then you are basically able to get a payday loan at any time you desire. It typically takes only a few minutes to apply for a payday loan on the Internet. Then you simply wait up to twenty four hours, and you will know whether you have been approved for the loan or not. If you have been approved for the loan, then you usually get the money quickly, meaning anywhere from two to twenty four hours.

The most important part to understand when applying for a payday loan is that payday loans typically have hefty fees. You will generally pay anywhere from 10-20% in fees and interests for taking out a payday loan, and that is if you pay the loan off in full on the due date which is the next time you are paid. If you need to renew the loan, then you will need to pay another 10-20% in interest and fees. This is where people begin to spiral downhill, and end up in more debt than they started in. It is important to only get a payday loan when you need one. Now that you know a little bit about payday loans, I will briefly look at some of the cases where you would need a payday loan:
  • Unexpected car mishaps that need repaired immediately.
  • Bills that need paid immediately like water, electricity, etc.
  • If short on money to pay for the needed necessities.
There can be other cases when you should get a payday loan, but for the most part, just remember that you only need one if it is vital to pay something before your next payday. Thousands of people have been in the predicament where they have needed money, and so there is always a chance it can happen to you as well. If it ever does, don't be shy about getting a loan you need. Some people feel almost guilty for taking payday loans, but you are being charged fees, so don’t feel guilty or embarrassed about getting a payday loan when you need a help financially.

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