Plant Your Own Vegetable Garden
Published by monica on Sunday, April 07, 2013
The idea might be a bit strange especially if you’ve never lived in a farm or planted anything in your life, but making your own vegetable garden can do more than just provide you with your own fresh produce-it can prove to be a therapeutic hobby as well!
Building your own vegetable garden is easy, but it does not start by merely picking out a spot in your backyard and planting the seeds. As with all major projects, it requires major planning and preparation. The first thing you should ask yourself is if you have the right kind of land to build your garden in. The plot should be in a location where the sun shines at least six hours a day, within good reach of adequate water supply, and ideally not to windy. Next, sit down and think about what kind of vegetables you would like to grow as this can be determined by the amount of space available.
Some plants require more space between each other for growth while others can be planted freely. Plot out the available land for the vegetable garden and section the kinds of vegetables you would like to plant, keeping the plant’s size (especially when it is fully grown and ready for harvest) when determining space. If this is the first time you are planting a garden, stick to only a few plants to begin with, and add more if you are confident enough that you can carry out the work further. Once you have all of these done, it is now time to prepare the materials necessary to create the garden.
Some soil may not be suitable for growing a vegetable garden, so it’s best to sometimes go to the local nursery to ask the experts for advice and pick up the necessities such as soil, fertilizer, and seeds. Experts recommend that raised beds are better for growing vegetables as they can absorb more sunlight and keep the plants warm. Raising the beds also means that the plants will have good draining, and this prevents growth of disease and overcrowding of their’ roots. To those who are new to gardening, raised beds can be made by making mounds of soil that are not wider than maybe three to four feet, and leveling the mounds at the top.
Now it’s time to plant the vegetables. Take your seeds and sow them into the beds, using your guide for directions. Make sure the seeds are evenly spaced from each other, then seal them by putting damp soil firmly on top of the seeds. You may want to put up signs to remind you what kinds of plants are in what section for easier reference.
Once you have the seeds planted, the actual growing begins. During this period, it is important to give your plants utmost care to ensure that they grow properly. Water them regularly, and give them extra during dry season. Be vigilant with garden bugs as they can eat away your precious fauna before you can even see their fruits or your fruits of labor. Try to avoid pesticides when getting rid of weeds and pests-this may sacrifice the quality of vegetables produced.
Keep these things and mind, and you’re ready to harvest the freshest batch of vegetables you’ve ever had!
Building your own vegetable garden is easy, but it does not start by merely picking out a spot in your backyard and planting the seeds. As with all major projects, it requires major planning and preparation. The first thing you should ask yourself is if you have the right kind of land to build your garden in. The plot should be in a location where the sun shines at least six hours a day, within good reach of adequate water supply, and ideally not to windy. Next, sit down and think about what kind of vegetables you would like to grow as this can be determined by the amount of space available.
Some plants require more space between each other for growth while others can be planted freely. Plot out the available land for the vegetable garden and section the kinds of vegetables you would like to plant, keeping the plant’s size (especially when it is fully grown and ready for harvest) when determining space. If this is the first time you are planting a garden, stick to only a few plants to begin with, and add more if you are confident enough that you can carry out the work further. Once you have all of these done, it is now time to prepare the materials necessary to create the garden.
Some soil may not be suitable for growing a vegetable garden, so it’s best to sometimes go to the local nursery to ask the experts for advice and pick up the necessities such as soil, fertilizer, and seeds. Experts recommend that raised beds are better for growing vegetables as they can absorb more sunlight and keep the plants warm. Raising the beds also means that the plants will have good draining, and this prevents growth of disease and overcrowding of their’ roots. To those who are new to gardening, raised beds can be made by making mounds of soil that are not wider than maybe three to four feet, and leveling the mounds at the top.
Now it’s time to plant the vegetables. Take your seeds and sow them into the beds, using your guide for directions. Make sure the seeds are evenly spaced from each other, then seal them by putting damp soil firmly on top of the seeds. You may want to put up signs to remind you what kinds of plants are in what section for easier reference.
Once you have the seeds planted, the actual growing begins. During this period, it is important to give your plants utmost care to ensure that they grow properly. Water them regularly, and give them extra during dry season. Be vigilant with garden bugs as they can eat away your precious fauna before you can even see their fruits or your fruits of labor. Try to avoid pesticides when getting rid of weeds and pests-this may sacrifice the quality of vegetables produced.
Keep these things and mind, and you’re ready to harvest the freshest batch of vegetables you’ve ever had!
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