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How to Decorate Palm Trees for Christmas

Published by Nanni on Sunday, October 14, 2012

Photo credit by Captain Kimo

Most people think that a Christmas tree should be an evergreen such as a fir, pine, or spruce, but any tree can be decorated for Christmas. If you live in a tropical climate, or if you just want to try something different this year, why not decorate a palm tree for a change? Like a traditional Christmas tree, you can decorate a palm tree with a tree skirt, lights, and ornaments.

Whether you're decorating a real palm tree or an artificial one, if it's indoors, you'll want to put a tree skirt around the base. It looks better that way, and the skirt provides a nice area for the presents. Tree skirts come in different colors, and you'll need to think about the effect you're trying to achieve. A white one will give the somewhat amusing impression of snow underneath the tropical palm tree. If such whimsy doesn't appeal to you, get a red or green one instead. Alternatively, if you like to sew, try making a tree skirt from brown material to give the impression of sand.

If you want traditional decorations, they will work on a palm tree. If you don't have any, you'll need to get some lights, balls, and other ornaments.

Think about the color scheme you would like for the lights. The traditional mix of red, blue, yellow, and green lights is fine, but it's not the only option. White light strings are common, but if you choose white, make sure you get the kind you want; some look more yellow than white. Other options include purple, blue, pink, and red light strings, as well as LED rope lights.

In addition to different colors, the bulbs on light strings also come in different shapes. If you're lucky, you can find the shape you want in your chosen color scheme. Otherwise, you may have to decide whether the shape or the color is more important to you.

Once you have chosen the tree skirt and light colors, you'll need to decide what other decorations you would like to use. Since palm trees are tropical, why not decorate in a tropical theme? Instead of the traditional Christmas ornaments, look for items to go along with a tropical theme.

If you live at the beach, you likely have plenty of potential decorations. Otherwise, check your local dollar stores for inexpensive decorations. It's best to check during the summer, since dollar stores tend to carry seasonal items in season. If you can't find any ornaments, consider making them yourself. Look for anything that might work, especially in miniature form. For example, small versions of sunglasses, flip flops, volleyballs, bottles of sunscreen, and pink flamingos would go with the tropical theme. You could also lay beach towels under the tree.

If the palm tree is outside in your yard, skip the tree skirt. If you want something underneath the tree, use Insta-Snow Powder, which is non-toxic and safe for the environment. Be sure to use lights that are safe for outdoor use. If you're in a windy area, consider skipping the ornaments as well.

Decorating a palm tree for Christmas can be just as much fun as decorating a traditional Christmas tree. Let your imagination run wild!

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