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Cellulite Creams that Work: Ingredients to Look For

Published by Nanni on Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Photo credit by petname

If you are a woman, you know how dreadful the appearance of cellulite can be. That dimply “cottage cheese” looking skin generally found on the thighs, butt, or arms can make a girl want to stay in hiding all summer. If you are looking for cellulite creams that work, there are certain ingredients that can provide a hint at their potential effectiveness. The cellulite creams that work have ingredients worth looking for. In this article I will explain which ingredients make a cellulite cream worth trying, as well as ones that do not.

Many good cellulite creams feature more natural ingredients as opposed to chemicals. This should also be something to consider when looking for a cellulite cream to try. Naturally derived ingredients such as the ones I am going to point out are effective in blasting away cellulite. These natural cellulite cream ingredients also help nourish skin while removing cellulite. Stay clear of chemicals when possible. Recommended cellulite creams do not necessarily have to be loaded with synthetic ingredients. In fact, many of the most effective cellulite creams are comprised of many natural ingredients.

Cellulite creams are far more convenient than a surgical procedure like liposuction. This makes them a generally preferred course of action by those faced with cellulite. They are also more accessible as they can be purchased at any pharmacy or cosmetic counter. However, cellulite creams can be fairly pricey. That is why it is important to know what ingredients to look for when choosing a cellulite cream.

Ingredients to look for in a cellulite cream include the following:

Caffeine - Caffeine is a great ingredient in cellulite creams as it aids in blood flow to the afflicted area. This increase in blood flow allows the body to naturally remove cellulite more effectively.

Shea butter - the inclusion of shea butter in a cellulite cream is imperative. Shea butter softens the outer layer of the skin allowing the other ingredients to penetrate easier. Any cellulite cream that works will contain this ingredient for this reason.

Retinol - Retinol aids in the production of collagen within the skin. By doing this, the skin will appear firmer. Retinol also combats cellulite by increasing circulation within the skin,allowing new cells to generate. This process in conjunction with increased collagen production will thicken the under layers of the skin in which cellulite hides. It is in this manner retinal is a great ingredient for a cellulite cream.

Best cellulite creams do not need to cost an arm and a leg. They do however, should include at least two of these ingredients. The ingredients of the cellulite cream should be as deciding a factor as the price. However, it is the happy medium of these factors that should make your decision. In fact many cellulite creams that contain these ingredients are rather affordable. Cellulite cream may be the answer and should be tried prior to taking the step to have invasive surgery such as liposuction to correct cellulite issues.

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