Foods that Cause Bloating
Published by Nanni on Friday, July 20, 2012
Many healthy foods can cause your stomach to become bloated and subsequently result in digestive discomfort. Vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage and whole grains contain raffinose which is a carbohydrate that doesn’t digest well in the stomach, and therefore makes one feel bloated. Beans also contain raffinose, and therefore can disturb the digestive process too. Soaking beans or legumes before cooking them as well as cooking them thoroughly can ameliorate any digestive repercussions with respect to bloating.
Most foods that are good sources of fiber can also result in bloating. Celery, apples, bananas, pears, oranges, grapefruit and other citrus foods can be problematic if eaten in excess. Drink plenty of water and consume fiber-rich roods slowly and in smaller quantities to avert any digestive discomfort. By gradually introducing fiber-rich foods in your meals and snacks and chewing them completely, you can eliminate any uncomfortable feelings after you eat.
Also, drinking beverages that are carbonated can increase the amount of air that you swallow and result in a bloated feeling. Eliminating these kinds of beverages from your diet can help immeasurably in minimizing symptoms.
Some individuals find that milk can cause them to feel bloated because they're lactose intolerant. They're unable to digest the sugar found in dairy products, or lactose; therefore, symptoms such as bloating and diarrhea occur. Fortunately, substitutions can be made with cultured dairy products such as yogurt or by drinking milk containing lactase. Lactase tablets also provide relief from lactose intolerance.
Foods containing wheat and grains can produce bloating too. Some people find that they are sensitive to the gluten in these foods and therefore have a hard time digesting it. Sensitivity to the gluten in foods is also known a celiac disease. Foods such as bread, pasta, cookies and pizza crust which contain gluten or foods made of wheat, rye or barley can cause problems for individuals adversely affected by the protein. If you find this to be true for you, keep track of the grains you consume and see if removing any of the suspected “gluten” offenders can improve your situation.
Also, sugar alcohols such as Xylitol or sorbitol can be attributed to a full and tight feeling in your digestive tract. Check the labels of the sugarless foods, gum or candies you eat. If they contain these types of sugar alcohols, they might be the source for any bloated feelings or digestive complaints.
An intolerance to fructose which is found in onions, dried fruit, honey, artichokes processed foods that contain high fructose corn syrup can contribute to bloating as well. As a result, fructose can often be the reason for digestive distress.
Keeping a food diary can help you discover the times when you suffer from excessive feelings of fullness. By recording your food intake, you can discover what foods agree with you with respect to digestive health. While it’s important to eat a nutritionally sound diet, make sure you don’t have too much of a good thing. That way, you’ll be able to feel your best and keep any problems with bloating in check.
Most foods that are good sources of fiber can also result in bloating. Celery, apples, bananas, pears, oranges, grapefruit and other citrus foods can be problematic if eaten in excess. Drink plenty of water and consume fiber-rich roods slowly and in smaller quantities to avert any digestive discomfort. By gradually introducing fiber-rich foods in your meals and snacks and chewing them completely, you can eliminate any uncomfortable feelings after you eat.
Also, drinking beverages that are carbonated can increase the amount of air that you swallow and result in a bloated feeling. Eliminating these kinds of beverages from your diet can help immeasurably in minimizing symptoms.
Some individuals find that milk can cause them to feel bloated because they're lactose intolerant. They're unable to digest the sugar found in dairy products, or lactose; therefore, symptoms such as bloating and diarrhea occur. Fortunately, substitutions can be made with cultured dairy products such as yogurt or by drinking milk containing lactase. Lactase tablets also provide relief from lactose intolerance.
Foods containing wheat and grains can produce bloating too. Some people find that they are sensitive to the gluten in these foods and therefore have a hard time digesting it. Sensitivity to the gluten in foods is also known a celiac disease. Foods such as bread, pasta, cookies and pizza crust which contain gluten or foods made of wheat, rye or barley can cause problems for individuals adversely affected by the protein. If you find this to be true for you, keep track of the grains you consume and see if removing any of the suspected “gluten” offenders can improve your situation.
Also, sugar alcohols such as Xylitol or sorbitol can be attributed to a full and tight feeling in your digestive tract. Check the labels of the sugarless foods, gum or candies you eat. If they contain these types of sugar alcohols, they might be the source for any bloated feelings or digestive complaints.
An intolerance to fructose which is found in onions, dried fruit, honey, artichokes processed foods that contain high fructose corn syrup can contribute to bloating as well. As a result, fructose can often be the reason for digestive distress.
Keeping a food diary can help you discover the times when you suffer from excessive feelings of fullness. By recording your food intake, you can discover what foods agree with you with respect to digestive health. While it’s important to eat a nutritionally sound diet, make sure you don’t have too much of a good thing. That way, you’ll be able to feel your best and keep any problems with bloating in check.
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