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Why Marijuana Should Be Legal

Published by Nanni on Friday, June 29, 2012

Photo credit by Chris Yarzab

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, so it is only natural that for every argument against the legalization of marijuana, there is an argument for it. Face it, marijuana's prohibition in the United States has not stopped its production, possession, or recreational use. This fact leaves many scratching their heads as to why the substance has not yet been legalized. Those who favor marijuana's legalization have a tall stack of reasons to support their position, and these are some of the most prominent.

Hemp benefits: Industrially grown hemp faces strict regulation in the United States because it is often confused with marijuana, although each is produced from a different plant. If marijuana is legalized, regulations on industrially grown hemp will be lifted. This will make hemp readily available for use as a green fuel product, and for numerous other environmentally friendly uses.

Improvement on the CJS: The U.S. criminal justice system (CJS) is inundated with offenders who have been convicted of crimes related to marijuana possession, trafficking, and dealing. If marijuana became legal, much of the prison and jail overcrowding problem would be solved. In addition, money and resources allocated by police forces to combat marijuana crimes could be used toward other divisions like violent crimes units. Also, marijuana laws disproportionately affect African-Americans, Hispanics, and people of lower socio-economic classes. Legalizing marijuana would be a step toward ending these institutional biases.

Regulated market: Having a regulated market for marijuana sale and purchase is beneficial on numerous levels. Legalizing marijuana and creating a regulated market would mean that the seemingly endless amount of money being sent to foreign countries for illegal drug smuggling would stop. When a substance is made illegal its value immediately rises, and that means that someone is making a profit. In many cases, that profit is being made by individuals in foreign countries. In addition, a regulated market would also mean that teenagers would be less likely to sell marijuana to make a quick buck. In turn, teens would be less likely to be exposed to other, harder illegal drugs being sold on the same market.

What harm?: Everyone is well aware of the dangers that alcohol and tobacco use presents to the population, but there is no definitive, scientific evidence that states that marijuana has long-lasting, harmful effects. Alcohol and tobacco use causes hundreds of thousands of deaths in the United States every year. Annual deaths are even reported from abuse of aspirin, and yet not one single death an be attributed to the recreational use of marijuana.

To further attest to its non harmful effects, many patients suffering from cancer, glaucoma, and other ailments use medical marijuana as a treatment. Medical grade marijuana is used to treat symptoms including pain and nausea, and many credit its use as essential to their recovery.

As with any other hot-button socio-political debate, the debate over legalizing marijuana will continue to rage until marijuana supporters reach their desired end and see marijuana legalized.

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