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Green Poop in Adults - Causes and Treatment

Published by Nanni on Thursday, June 28, 2012

Photo credit by - Annetta -

Have you ever ventured to look into the toilet and been shocked to see your poop was a strange color of green? If so, you probably wondered why in the world your poop would be that strange color. The color can be easily explained, and the odds are that it isn’t anything to worry about.

Whatever goes in our mouths has to come out of our bodies as waste. This means that if we put something deep green or strange colors in our mouths, then when it comes out, the odds are it will be green or oddly colored. Diets consisting of deep green vegetables and foods with deep green or purple food coloring, many times lead to green stools. Iron supplements may also cause a person's stool to be green. A few other reasons a person’s poop may be green, include taking a laxative, antibiotics or other medications. Also, foods high in sugar and dark colored foods including M&M’s, cereals, Jell-O, popsicles, and candy.

In addition to the fact that when something you eat is deep green, your poop will probably be deep green, there are other factors that come into play including digestive problems. If green stools are recognized along with stomach aches, gas, or pains in the abdomen. The cause of the green stools is probably a result of a digestive problem and many times will be accompanied by diarrhea.

Many people may not realize our stools actually begin green, because of bile secretion, but during the digestive process turn brown. Our food passes from the small intestines to the large intestines. When passing through the large intestines the poop turns brown. However, if someone is suffering with digestive problems, they usually will experience rapid digestion, known as diarrhea, where the large intestines aren’t able to process the waste properly. This is the process where under normal circumstances the stool would turn brown. However, there is still really no reason to worry. Normal digestion usually resumes in a few days. If the discolored stools last for up to a week, then call a doctor.

In most cases, green stools are nothing to fret about. If having weird green colored stools is bothersome, then avoid deep green colored, iron rich foods, and artificially colored cakes and candies or foods which are prone to cause digestive problems. While many times green poops are nothing to worry about, if the abnormal colored poop persists, see a doctor. There may be a more serious medical condition causing the problem.

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