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Famous Celebrity Alcoholics

Published by Nanni on Friday, June 29, 2012

Photo credit by halofive

Celebrity alcoholics are ironically an integral part of pop culture. Besides showing us how fame and fortune does not serve as a deterrent to alcoholism, famous alcoholics also serve as examples of how excessive drinking can wreck havoc on a person’s life. Throughout the years, there have been many high profile celebrities who have met these criteria. Yet, only a few famous celebrities have really caught the attention on a wide scale of the American public. Below are ten of them.

Diana Ross

This famous celebrity alcoholic was a role model for African-American women all over the world in the 60's, 70's and 80's. She was glamorous, rich and talented - all without losing her ethnic roots. Yet, she had a little secret. Most people thought it was the love child (daughter Rhonda) that she bore with Motown producer Berry Gordy. However, after voluntarily checking herself into a rehab center in 2002 and an embarrassing drunk driving stint in Arizona, the public realized that Diana’s secret was a love affair with the bottle. Since then, Diana Ross has found a way to keep her drinking under control. Yet, her alcoholism has tainted the public's view of her, which can be seen in recent Saturday Night Live (SNL) skits. Ross is not portrayed as a diva and acclaimed actress, but as a drunken mess with silly quirks. Unfortunately, her public relations team has not been able to clean up the mess caused by her excessive drinking.

Dean Martin

No one ever knew if Dean Martin was pretending to be drunk all of the time as part of a well-crafted comedy shtick, or was really an alcoholic in real life. Of course, he didn't help matters by placing a vanity license on one of his vehicles that read "Drunky." Either way, he was one of the most famous alleged celebrity alcoholics of his era. He sang, ran with the "rat pack" and co-starred in hilarious movies with fellow actor Jerry Lewis. He stayed high profile until the 80's when he slowly began to drift out of the public eye. He died in 1995 from respiratory failure. However, the public can still see him late night on refurbished DVD's of comedy roasts. Puffy-eyed and with drink in hand, Dean Martin aimlessly makes jokes about his actor friends and appears to all viewers as the "lush" of the party.

Tracy Morgan

Are comedians funny because they drink, or do they drink to be funny? This question is one the public had to ask themselves in 2005 when SNL star Tracy Morgan was charged with a D.U.I. and narcotic possession. By far, he was one of the funniest cast members of SNL, which had led to movies, commercials and another TV show (30 Rock). He had a lot to lose, and no one really wanted to see it all go because of alcoholism. However, this famous celebrity alcoholic struggled to rehabilitate himself. Finally, he got it together in 2008. During this year, after wearing an ankle bracelet that tested his skin for alcohol every 30 minutes, he turned a corner. In 2009, he announced to the world that he had been sober for one year.

Stephen King

Did you know the King of Horror, Stephen King, is a recovering alcoholic? You probably do if you were following his career in the 60’s and 70’s. While he was writing some of his best work, he was getting buzzed off of liquor and prescription drugs. His alcoholism was so out of control that he read the eulogy at his mother's funeral drunk. By the 80's, his family was fed up. They held an intervention, which caused this famous celebrity alcoholic to turn his life around. Since then, he's been clean and sober. King has also branched out into comic strips, music and acting. Apparently, sobriety is a good look on him.

Amy Winehouse

In her Back to Black CD, crooner Amy Winehouse sung about not going to rehab. However, when the song "Rehab" actually hit the airways and popped up as a hot MTV video, no one really knew how close this song was to reality. Amy Winehouse was drinking excessively and also using drugs. In 2009, she became one of the most infamous celebrity alcoholics and drug users. Pictures of her drunk in public and smoking a crack pipe surfaced all over the Internet. The paparazzi follow her around now because of her crazy antics. Amy’s fame is no longer connected to her soulful voice, but a dark journey she is taking down to road of addiction.

Eddie Van Halen

Famous celebrity alcoholic and rocker Eddie Van Halen married one of America's sweethearts - actress Valerie Bertinelli. People didn't understand their attraction, but according to the duo it was love at first. Also, Eddie Van Halen hid his "habits" while they were dating. According to reports, he acted like the perfect gentlemen, even sleeping in separate hotel rooms when they were together at times. However, as the marriage ensued, Eddie began showing his true colors. His drunken behavior is one of the reasons cited by ex-wife Valerie as a destroyer of their 20-plus year marriage. Thankfully, after his divorce, Eddie managed to turn his life around. In 2009, he tied the knot again and married Janie Liszewski. Now, he is so serious about his sobriety that he wouldn’t even allow alcohol to be served at his reception.

William Shatner

Actor William Shatner is often lovingly joked about as an alcoholic. His famous role as Captain Kirk on the TV series Star Trek along with his celebrity status has given him a public pass. However, life always has a way of catching up with people dealing with the dreaded disease of alcoholism. After winning his own battle with the bottle, Shatner met and married a beautiful model named Nerine. Unfortunately, she was a hopeless alcoholic. Friends warned him about the troubles he would incur as a spouse of an alcoholic, but he didn’t listen. Shatner thought his love for her would conquer all. Unfortunately, it wasn’t strong enough and Nerine died in an alcohol-related accident sometime later. This event devastated William Shatner and caused him to go public about the negative effects of alcoholism. Now, through the Nerine Shatner Friendly House, he helps other people struggling to get and stay sober.

Melanie Griffith

Actress Melanie Griffith is a famous celebrity alcoholic who has been connected to two Hollywood hunks: Don Johnson (ex) and Antonio Banderas (current spouse). She was the product of a model (Tippi) and struggling actor (Peter Griffith). For years, she graced the big screen with celebratory roles. Yet, behind the scenes, she was drinking to deal with all of her Hollywood success. Her alcoholism was so excessive that she finally ended up in rehab. Afterward, for a while, Melanie Griffith remained sober. The public deemed her as a fully recovered alcoholic - that is - until late August of 2009. It was during this time that she returned to rehab. Her people won't admit that Melanie’s fallen off the wagon again. They just say her stay is part of a long, planned out maintenance program. It all sounds pretty fishy, but at least Melanie’s where she needs to be if she’s drinking again.

Lindsay Lohan

Child psychologists everywhere will tell you that Hollywood isn’t kind to child stars. Children who enter the business early and are given adult responsibilities often end up as screwed up adults. This statement has never been more true than when it comes to famous celebrity alcoholic Lindsay Lohan. She began modeling at age three and by the time she was twenty had starred in several TV and movie roles. However, what was brewing behind all her fame and fortune was an alcohol and drug addiction. From the outside looking in, her parents appear to be the blame. Yet, as a young adult, Lindsay now has to do the work to stay sober. She’s already had one failed attempt in rehab.

David Hasselhoff

Actor David Hasselhoff is one of the most famous celebrity alcoholics across the world. The public first became enamored with him because of his roles on popular TV shows Knight Rider and Baywatch. His good looks and seemingly charismatic personality drew him an international fan base. Yet, as the years passed, it became apparent that America's favorite hunk was struggling with an addiction. He was a raging alcoholic. His behavior was so poor that as a deterrent he asked his daughter to film him the next time he got drunk. Well, unfortunately, she did as daddy asked. Now, one of the most embarrassing clips of a drunken debauchery is available on the Internet courtesy of David Hasselhoff. He is on the floor eating a burger, slurring his words and looking like a drunken mess. There's no way to really overcome that kind of publicity other than to do as he did and get more help for his addiction.

These ten folks are some of the most famous celebrity alcoholics in pop culture. However, they aren't alone. Thousands of Americans struggle each year with the disease of alcoholism. If you are one of them, it’s time to get help. Visit Alcoholics Anonymous’ Website and get the assistance you need to overcome your disease.

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