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What Are the Best Interracial Movies?

Published by Nanni on Sunday, May 20, 2012

Photo credit by Jeff Weston

Interracial movies are the ones that use storylines of interracial couples going against the trials and tribulations of racism. These movies can be seen on both the small and big screen. This wasn’t always the case. During 1960, some movie theaters faced boycotts for showing movies featuring interracial love stories. These movies have however stood the test of time and continue to use the racially mixed lovers to challenge racial issues. Here are some of the best interracial movies in my opinion. What is your favorite?

Band of Angels

Band of Angels is about a privileged daughter of a plantation owner. After the owner dies, his daughter finds out a shocking secret that her mother was actually one of her father’s black slaves. She finds herself being taken by a slave trader to be sold, and while being transported, the trader makes it known he wants to sleep with her. She desists, however, when she tries to hang herself as she is a cultured woman that can pass for white and proves too valuable to lose. Eventually she is rescued by a white man that pays an exorbitant price for her. She is surprised that the man treats her like a lady and not a slave. They eventually fall in love as time goes by.

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

This movie functioned as an intellectual exercise about the topic of romance in interracial movies. The values of a white liberal couple are tested when their daughter returns from vacation engaged to a black doctor. The couple wrestled with the thought of giving their daughter’s relationship their blessing.

Aaron loves Angela

Aaron loves Angela features two teenagers that live in the slums of New York City. They are deeply in love with each other. The girl who is Puerto Rican and the guy who is black maintain a relationship that is not approved by either of their parents. They rebel and go against their parents’ wishes and eventually find out that their friends and neighbors share the same prejudices as their parents.


Besieged is an interracial love story in which an English pianist is living in Rome and has an African refugee as a housekeeper. The housekeeper’s husband is a political prisoner in Africa. The Englishman eventually becomes smitten with her, and he sells everything he owns to help her get her husband out of jail. They succeed in doing so, but not before the Englishman and housekeeper sleep with each other.

The Landlord

This is an interracial romance story of a young and privileged white man. He desires to buy a tenement and turns it into a luxury home for himself. He has a change of heart once he meets and gets to know the tenants. Instead of evicting the tenants, he renovates the place and before long he falls in love with an art student that is mixed with black and white. This news stuns his parents, but it amazes them even more when they discover that he’s gotten a married tenant in his building pregnant.

These small and big screen movies have come a long way where they can now freely speak on topics that were once prohibited. The topic of interracial love is normally the story line in interracial movies. The best ones are those that deal with racial issues and allow the racial concepts to be discussed, thus, showing that nothing is wrong with two different races being together.

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